At the “Wines and Words” evenings, participants will listen to 4 texts while tasting 4 different wines, each of which has been carefully selected and paired with the text, creating a very special blend. Each blend presented during our events and published on this website is the result of a dialogue between the wine and the literature.
The approach underpinning this dialogue is very simple, as it makes use of the vocabulary shared by the wine and the texts. Thus, for example, a dark and tortured piece of writing will call for a complex and tannic wine. Conversely, a fresh, light text will be perfectly accompanied by a sparkling white wine. Inside these wide ranges of categories, the nuances of both the tasting and the readings will facilitate the blending of the chosen texts to the paired wine, culminating in the perfect combination. Ultimately, the wines and the words will enhance one another, providing the audience a very unique sensorial experience.
The “Wines and Words” events take place at Café Blossom in The Hague, and are a collaboration between Barbara Ferrari (concept and literary curation), Marc Paardekooper (Marius Wijnwinkel – , wines) and Brody Warren (reading).
The cost of the evening is 25 Euros p.p. (wines and appetizers included). Due to the limited number of places, reservation is mandatory:info@winesandwords.org. Please note: if you haven’t received a confirmation after your reservation, please check your spam box.